- McKee Family Farm, Friars Point, MS
- Product: Flobond SC-100, treated at 1 %.
- Crop: Cotton, Phytogen 400
- Seeds per Acre: 43,000
- Soil Type: Heavy Silt
- Irrigation Type: Pivot
- Number of irrigations: One (3” per acre feet)
- Planting date: May, 12th, 2020
- Harvesting: November, 4-5th, 2020
McKee Family Farm, MS
Picture: Harvesting cotton 11-4-2020
Based on the performance and ROI from this and last year, customer agrees to make investment and purchase 500 Acres, seeds treated with Flobond SC-100.
I believe the coating has a potential and steady performance on cotton seeds. The crop is valuable and brings profit to farmers. Need to commercialize to large coating companies.