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Experiments with different types of Aquasorb

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Experiments with different types of Aquasorb

The experiments with different types of Aquasorb (3005 KM, 6001 KB, DAP 40) and Flobond LX 50 Antisalt were carried out at the scientific center of the International Fund for Saving the Aral Sea. Test location coordinates: 46°10’33.5″N 61°49’23.1″E
Date of plantation 24.03.-25.03.2022. Planting of seedlings was carried out manually, Aquasorb was supplied in the form of a gel.
When visiting the tests in June, August and October, we did not see a difference in the survival rate of saxaul. The reason was that the employees of the scientific center mistakenly watered our experiments (more than 20 times in the initial summer period). Due to good access to moisture, the results were not objective. On the other hand, these tests served as training tests. At the moment IFSAS laid large tests on the drained bottom of the Aral Sea.


  1. Control 50 units of saxaul.
  2. Aquasorb 3005 KM(+H2O) – 10 gr/seedling (50 units of saxaul)
  3. Aquasorb 3005 KM(+H2O) – 10 gr/seedling + Flobond Antisalt LX50(+H2O) – 30 l/ha (3 ml/square meters) (50
    units of saxaul)
  4. Aquasorb 6001 KB+H2O) – 10 gr/seedling (50 units of saxaul)
  5. Aquasorb DAP 40 (+H20) – 10 gr/seedling (50 units of saxaul)
  6. Aquasorb 3005 KM (dry powder)- 10 gr/seedling
  7. Fixation of potmix (Soil+Aquasorb 3005 KM+Flobond Antisalt 30 l/ha +H20) on the root system of saxaul.
  8. Fixation of potmix (Soil+Aquasorb 3005 KM+Flobond Antisalt 30 l/ha +H20) on the root system of saxaul.
Scheme of tests
Process of plantation of saxaul 24.03.-25.03.2022

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